Hello, it's Very Old Dog here. This is me on the right, walking with my Lady Maria so you know who's talking.

My name is Giacomino (phonetically speaking 'Jocko MEEN') or Beans for short.
Something is fishy around here. We think it might be something that the C-A-T did. Or not. Our Servant was sprucing up everything and putting name tags on our downstairs crates. This is usually Good News as it usually foretells of a Trip. I always get to go on the Trips, unless the Senile Servant forgets me. I do worry that she'll forget me.
They've been all preoccupied with Benign Potatoes Hyper Trophies and all they talk about is TUNA, TUNA, TUNA. And the manservant has been uncharacteristically jumpy and worried and they've set the alarm for FOUR AM. The weirdest thing is I heard them talking about going to Nashville for the TUNA. I know they've gotten tuna in Paducah before, because the Servant pours the juice from the can over our food and we LOVE it, so why would they drive two and a half hours each way for TUNA? And leave at O-dark-thirty in the morning?
But the Servant is so Senile and starkers, that nothing would surprise us at this point. In her big rant post she quoted Senator McGovern and called him Senator McCarthy... Woooo weeee talk about fractured fairy tails!!! Luckily a blogger named Nat whose fingers are still connected to his brain pointed out her error, so she fixed it right away on the rant. Of course she had already written her two senators and her representative quoting Senator McCarthy's Washington Post editorial... You should see just how red she can blush, and just how long it stays. Silly Senile Servant! Trying so hard to do the right thing and being so human and fallible! I gave her extra snuggles for that, and Sam I Am did too. but she's human so she's still embarrassed and mad at herself.
The good news is that our really good friend and neighbor Karen came calling today, and the Servant showed her where all our treats and biscuits are. So if they do go on a Trip to Nashville for the TUNA tomorrow, at least Karen knows which crates are whose (I don't have one, I have a BED) and where the treats are.
That's the news from here. The Servants are finally asleep. They won't admit it to each other, but they're both so nervous and upset. Silly things.
Hug your humans-
Very Old Dog
The C-A-T didn't do anything but if TUNA is involved he wants some. I can attest that Patience is really embarrassed about the McGovern thing. She wouldn't shut up about it today. Hope MR. Bill does well.
ReplyDeletePatience, Don't let it bother you! I make mistakes like that all of the time and I just tell myself that in the grand cycle of life it isn't important. YOU might think about it for the next ten years and be mortified every time it comes to mind, but the people who possibly smiled at the time had forgotten it before the day was over. People get on with their lives and are too busy to dwell on the mistakes of others. It's forgotten. I didn't know any better anyway!
ReplyDeleteWe wish manservant good fortune with the TUNA!!!
ReplyDeleteNine whippets times four paws equals thirty-six paws plus our eight equals forty-four paws plus an as yet uncounted additional number all crossed and wishing you well!!
As for McCarthy vs McGovern -- Mom -- who should have known better - was so enthused by the post that she didn't register the slip. Nevermind, the thought was still valid.
Jake and Just Harry
Oh Dear Bill and Patience,
ReplyDeleteWe are all thinking of you both and we can't wait for your return. Best of luck to you today on your travels. HUGS HUGS HUGS.
Lots of Love,
H, J, B, Ed, Em
Beeners, I know you will settle in ever-so-gently next to the man servant and provide him with his own personal hot water bottle.....Sending hugs to Paducah to the servants and the dogs. r
ReplyDeleteOk, I have it figured out ..well, partly. I think the T stands for Tennessee and the A stands for Arts or Artists or something. I'm just a terrier, so that's as far as I can go. But I'm pretty sure your dog sitter is coming. Let us know
ps, Muzzer says..."At our age, Mc Carthy and Mc Govern both represent lost opportunities and dreams, so don't give the Servant any guff!"
ReplyDeleteGot that?
We're sending you all lots of good thoughts and prayers. I hope Bill is better than new before you know it!
ReplyDeleteoh we are mystified about the TUNA.....please keep us posted!
ReplyDeletesorry we don't know much about pawlotics, well not American stuff, although it is headline news all the time here in the UK on the BBC!
ReplyDeleteWe got enough probs here with our lot in government!
sorry we don't know much about pawlotics, well not American stuff, although it is headline news all the time here in the UK on the BBC!
ReplyDeleteWe got enough probs here with our lot in government!
Is C-A-T up to somethin' again??? And TUNA...seems like CAT should be involved just by the name of it. We're confused...but that's not an unusual state in this house. So ur servant is gettin' senile too...ours has been for quite a while now...it's rather embarassing.
ReplyDeleteLucky Old Dog no snowie for you on ur walk...it's fun at first, but we get quickly bored with the paw wipies at the end...plus our ears get cold...that end of us is not too hairy...
Speakin' of hair, ya shoulda seen the bathroom walls after Babystan got a bathie this week...he's blowin' his puppy coat...and he rubbed his big body over the walls and cabinets. Looked like Dale wallpaper. Mumsie raked him...she was gonna send u the bag of fur to make a coat with, but she was 'fraid u'd be too skeered.
Wags at ya...
Very Old Dog
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely photogwaph..it sounds like youw sewvants awe going away ,but have made suwe that all of you will be vewy well taken cawe of..I hope they have a good twip and huwwy home to all of you...Mommi cwied when she wead the last post..we'we so sowwy about Bill's fwiend, and HATE WHAT THIS ADMINISTWATION HAS DONE TO OUW COUNTWY AND THE NON-ACTION OF CONGWESS AND THE WEST OF THEM...WE AWE FOOWIOUS AND WILL WITE..THANK YOU FOW THE WAKE UP CALL
smoochie kisses
We send good luck wishes to Mr. Bill....You know, once Darby was diagnosed with one of those potato awards. Our mom thought it was kind of crazy, since Darby's jewels were removed when he was 6 months old. Now, we are hoping that Bill's vet did a better job of diagnosis than Darby's vet -- our mom still thinks that diagnosis was a mistake. Darby, our expert in potato trophies, is not quite so certain how a fish is going to help the problem, but humans are always coming up with new things. Who knows? Darby was put on antibiotics, but he thinks that the digital exam scared the stuffing right out of that potato!
ReplyDeleteHope Bill is OK....
The Texas Herd of Whippets;
Her Esteemed Majesty Gabi, acting as scribe
Darby, Charlie, Reilly, Mati, and Hudi providing thought content.
Lick your humans!
Oh my god...that dress on Lady Maria just made my day! Love it!
ReplyDeleteWell PL2 says she loved both of those Senators equally and agrees with Gussie!!!! WE love that photo!! Love A+A
ReplyDeletecats are evil. The one who lives in our house is sitting with mom right now. Mom says Tuna does not sound like fun and we hope your manservant is okay.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Abby Creek Art.... If I lived closer I would steal that dress right off Lady Maria... I am very young and really need a dress like that so the boys will give me a look. They treat me like a puppy, wellllllll, I am a puppy, but pretty grown up now, 9 months old, and I should have a party dress! Please tell me where I can get one for me, Wonder Kirkham
ReplyDeleteWe are hoping for the best for the TUNA, we are crossing paws and sending good vibes!
ReplyDeleteDeawSam I Am dawling..
ReplyDeleteI just saw that you volunteewd on Scwuffy and Lacie's blog to help us with Archie..I think some thewapy fwom and expewienced thewapy dog like you would be vewy helpful..all we know how to do is take his tempewatoowe, and sit on him so he doesn't move too much..you agile abilities would be vewy good to have
smoochie kisses