Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wa- Hooooo! [blush]

I got a stack of posters in today's mail...

(click the image to enlarge, then use your back button to return)
oh boy!
hug your hounds extra for me!


  1. Wahooooo! Can I come too?


  2. How do you decide who gets to "accompany" you? I think the whole waggle should go!

  3. Take the whippet that knows how to read the best. We wish you the best on this endeavor.

  4. Wow! Wish I was close enough to come- what a wonderful acknowledgement!

  5. Congratulations and have a wonderful time! Kentucky is sure to be transformed. =D

  6. I want to order your book - will it be signed? Or do I order it and then you send me a bookplate? well, I probably could get my questioned answered by clicking on the link!


  7. oh! and Secret Graces will be out probably spring of 2010.....


  8. Wonderful news. Wish I lived in Kentucky, I'd love to be there!

  9. I think it should say 'befuddled' whippet :)

    Congrats! I can say 'I knew her when...'


  10. How absolutely wonderful!


  11. Gus - of COURSE you can come! (Swede William begs that you bring Teka, and the servants ask that you bring your humans, too!)Sam I Am will go, since he is a Registered Therapy Dog and he doubles as my unofficial service dog - it's all okay when Sammy's by my side.
    Plus, Moco, he's the best reader, not counting Mama Pajama herself, but she's not up to all that human silliness these days.

    Kathryn - woo-hoo!!! if you order it from my website, www.dogwalkers.net (click on 'other stuff') then I can sign it any way you like. It's just a book of little stories, not a MASTERPIECE like your Tender Graces.

    Everyone, thank you for your encouragement! I've done some readings before, and I actually enjoy them. People who come either already like the book, or they want to like it, if that makes sense. This is going to be extra extra fun because of all the VERY cool stuff they're doing at the college, which you can read about at http://ilistpaducah.com/ipet/october_dogs_life/

    extra hugs-

  12. Francarrich from WWOctober 7, 2009 at 3:47 PM

    Those of us who would be waiting outside for the doors to open (if we didn't live so far away) will be with you in spirit if not in body, so I think you will have to look at your audience & then imagine it doubled or maybe trebled with peopled who follow your blog & would love to meet both you & Sam I Am (& Bill & all the waggle, of course) & who would like to support you on an event like this.

    I'll have to work out the time difference nearer the date!

    Have a good time!

  13. How exciting! We sure wish that we could come!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  14. Congrats. I hope you sell all your books.

  15. Wish we'd been there....

    Jake and Fergi xxoo


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