Things have changed since 1985. Just a bit.
(Oh, I'm 55 years old.)
The hospital is wonderful. I'm so impressed with the nursing staff. They are orienting me as though I were a new grad (GOOD IDEA!), and at the halfway point, I'm now taking my own patient load, under the watchful supervision of my (SAINT of a) preceptor. She is a sweet, beautiful soul, three years out of nursing school. She is a very good nurse.
(Yes, I am 55.)
While I'm in orientation, I work my preceptor's schedule. We worked Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I will be honest with you: I was very worried about my physical capability of working three twelve hour shifts in a row. The young nurses at work said that it's really hard.
(I am 55.)
I was worried about the dogs. Okay, that's not the whole truth. Bill has been doing great with the dogs. I was worried about me missing them. You know. There is a big ol' chunk of my heart that doesn't beat quite right when I'm away from them for too long. It beats, but that big ol' chunk is not quite in rhythm, so it sounds like, 'lub-dubb, oh thunk, lub-dubb, hmmmm thunk, lub-dubb, sigh thunk.'
(My heart is 55, too.)
Well, it turns out, that I was worried for nothing. I am a Tiger! A fifty-freaking-five-year-old White Tiger*! Three twelves in a row was a cinch.
See? Here I am arriving home on Monday night:

Note the victorious thumbs up!

The dogs rush to greet me.

Sammy -- don't forget he is a Therapy Dog -- astutely checks for a pulse, and immediately calls

Swede William says, "Whew Lordy!! You can say that again!!!" Easy can't look.
Mama Pajama to the rescue!

A sweet Mama Pajama kiss can revive the weariest of souls. It can make a 55-year-old soul feel brand new. A Mama Pajama kiss can make a heart that was going kerthunk-plop just race along lubby-dubby, lubby-dubby, lubby-dubby-doo!
I am the luckiest older than dirt nurse alive.
hug your hounds
* Thanks to Sue for the White Tiger reference!