I worked 26 of the last 48 hours. But I'm done now until after the National. Yup we leave ('we' being friends Lee, Dee, and I) day after tomorrow for a week and a day in Lexington. Lucky this year: our National goes all over the country. Last year it was Tuscon which is a whole heck of a pile further than the 4.5 hours to Lexington!
Bill used to go to some Nationals with me, but now he feels compelled to keep his gallery open. Or it's just a good excuse to stay home. But that means the old dogs will stay with him.
And so will Sam.

My Facebook and Whippet World friends know that Swede William and Lindy Loo had four perfect puppies on December 18th. Sam, my sweet therapy dog who raised Lindy Loo and Swede William and who is perfect HATES these puppies. HATES them. From the moment he saw them. HATES them. Did I mention that he wants to eat them? HATES HATES HATES them.
So far we have had to keep them separated. (This is not normal whippet behavior.) Anyway to shorten a long sob story puppies will go with Lindy Loo and Swede William and Sammy for the first time in his life will not go to the National.
But I will get to see Laurie from Minnnesoooooooooooooota, and Swede William's breeder Lisa from SWEDEN, and bunches of friends from all over that I don't get to see enough, and Lee and Dee will get to see their first whippet National, and Lindy Loo and little Mia and Swede William will get to show and I'll get to come home to Bill and Sam and four Very Old Dogs that I miss like chocolate cake and breathing. (Delia and Luciano just turned eleven. Mama Pajama and Fat Charlie will turn fourteen in June. Bless!)

Little Alison Wonderland, Lindy Loo, Swede William and the Jabberwalkie on his dad's back

Glamorous Mia who lives with Lee and Dee and will be Little Ali's BFF
hug your hounds and thank you again for your sweet generous kind comments